9 Best Sights in Falkland Islands, South America

Christ Church Cathedral

Just west of the Jetty Centre, the cathedral was built in 1890 and is the most southerly Anglican church in the world. Inside, the intricate stained-glass windows cast shafts of light on the well-worn wooden pews and altar. An arch of blue whale jawbones celebrates the 1933 centenary of British rule.

Falkland Islands Museum & National Trust

Chock-full of memorabilia from pioneer life, whaling days, and the Falklands War, this museum also contains a reconstruction of the Globe Store—a Stanley landmark destroyed in 1982—that fills one small room. Another area is devoted to natural history, with good displays of wildlife, including the extinct Falkland fox.

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Gypsy Cove

To see some Magellanic penguins, take a trip to Gypsy Cove, just 6.5 km (4 miles) north of Port Stanley. With white bands encircling black faces, these 15-inch penguins look like miniature clowns. If startled, the penguins flop on their bellies and use their flippers like whirligigs to scramble toward their burrows. If you're feeling more adventurous, you can take a guided nature walk from the wreck of the 19th-century Lady Elizabeth to Gypsy Cove and observe numerous flora and fauna on the way. Guides can be hired locally, but at busy times—when cruise ships are in port—this may be difficult, so it's better to prebook an excursion.

Philatelic Bureau

Within the post office, this is the place for avid stamp collectors, who'll find a wide selection of mint stamps and first-day covers from the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and British Antarctic Territory. It's closed on weekends.

Victory Green

Farther along is Victory Green, a wide expanse of grass skirting Stanley Harbour near the Town Hall. The four cannon here are from Port Louis, the Islands' first capital. The late-19th-century Hotchkiss guns are still fired for special celebrations.

Volunteer Point

Volunteer Point should not be missed if you have a full day on the island. The easternmost tip of East Falkland is home to a large colony of king penguins. After a rough three-hour off-road riding adventure, the moor may seem deserted until the penguins appear like a comical mirage out of synch with the surroundings. With their rotund stomachs propped on the ground, the chicks look like fuzzy, overripe pears.