2 Best Places to Shop in Santiago, Chile

Centro Artesanal Santa Lucía

La Alameda

This souvenir market just across the Alameda from the base of Cerro Santa Lucía has some indigenous and locally made crafts, including some (not the finest quality) lapis lazuli items. Get your ears or navel pierced as well. It's open daily 11–7. As you should in all crowded and touristy areas, keep an eye on valuables.

Alameda and Diagonal Paraguay, Santiago, 8320000, Chile

Feria Artesanal Pío Nono


Bellavista's colorful Feria Artesanal Pío Nono, held in the park at the start of Avenida Pío Nono, comes alive every night of the week. The area, particularly the south end of Pío Nono, is even busier on weekends, when vendors gather in Parque Domingo Gómez, in the shadow of the Universidad de San Sebastián Building to display handicrafts. It can be hit or miss for quality, but you can't beat it for convenience.

At Pío Nono and Bellavista, Santiago, 8320000, Chile